What you need to know about the latest rates notice

What you need to know about the latest rates notice

29 January 2021

In supporting the community through COVID-19 at an estimated cost of more than $1.4m, Southern Downs Regional Council made a number of significant changes to how rates and charges were issued in 2020/2021 to provide additional financial respite to ratepayers.

With the issue of the half yearly rate notices this week, Council wishes to confirm that the extended 60 day discount period is again offered with a 7.5% discount applied to all rates and charges paid by the due date.

While at the recent Ordinary Meeting this week Council voted to resume charging interest on outstanding rates and charges, Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi said that the introduction of two six-monthly notices in 2020/21 provided a financially accommodating system to ratepayers during uncertain times.

“Recognising the impacts of recent challenges due to ongoing drought, bushfire recovery and COVID-19 uncertainty, Council reviewed and overhauled the way rates and charges were issued across the region this financial year,” Mayor Pennisi said.

“Council moved from a single annual rate notice to more financially accommodating system of two six-monthly notices and froze rates for the first half of this year with the 1.9% COVID-19 concession.

“The tough decision was made in December by Council to remove the temporary COVID-19 relief concession in recognition that we still have the job of delivering essential services and infrastructure for the benefit of the community.

“Council is tasked with providing services such as water, waste, pools and libraries, while also maintaining our footpaths, parks and gardens.  This Council has a very real understanding on investing in our aging infrastructure.

“Providing for the community and meeting expectations is not easy and not cheap. The funds received from ratepayers are directed and invested directly back into our community and its needs and we will continue to prioritise between needs and wants so that we can get the balance right.”

Ratepayers who are having difficulty paying their rates and charges are encouraged to contact Council to arrange a confidential payment agreement to pay off their rates in smaller more manageable amounts.

Ratepayers also have the option to receive their rate notices electronically.  To receive your notices electronically register online at www.sdrc.enotices.com.au. You will require the unique eNotice reference number printed on the front of your current rate notice.
