Call for Expressions of Interest for the Stanthorpe 150th Anniversary Celebration Advisory Committee

Call for Expressions of Interest for the Stanthorpe 150th Anniversary Celebration Advisory Committee

28 January 2021 

Southern Downs Regional Council is calling on residents, schools and community organisations to nominate for positions on the newly established Stanthorpe 150th Anniversary Celebration Advisory Committee (S150ACAC).

Council is seeking expressions of interest to fill at least seven positions on the committee with Councillors Cameron Gow and Stephen Tancred appointed as Council’s representatives.

Council CEO, Dave Burges says he looks forward to inviting expressions of interest from individual community members, representatives of community organisation, schools and service clubs across the Stanthorpe and the Granite Belt area.

‘We live in a vibrant, multi-cultural region and local residents and community organisations continue to play an important role in our history,’ said the CEO.

‘I invite interested residents from Stanthorpe and the Granite Belt area to step up and submit an expression of interest. Your involvement will contribute greatly to the success of the event.

The advisory committee’s role is to provide Council with strategic guidance and/or recommendations in relation to projects, activities and events for the Stanthorpe 150th Anniversary Celebration program; how these might be funded and the extent of Council’s involvement, including staff resources.

The term of the Stanthorpe 150th Anniversary Celebration Advisory Committee will be for the period from appointment through to completion of the celebration program in 2022.

A meeting schedule will be developed with a minimum of four meetings to be held each year.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the S150ACAC Terms of Reference in conjunction with the Councillor Portfolios, Advisory Committees and Other Committees Policy (PL-EX021), which are available from Council’s website:

Expressions of interest should outline the applicant’s skills and experience that address the purpose of the advisory committee and duties of members and, where relevant, include details of the community organisation or school that the applicant represents (e.g. John Citizen, XYZ Community Group).

Expressions of Interest close at 5pm, Monday, 22 February 2021 and should be emailed to

All expressions of interest received will be referred to Council for consideration.

For further information, please contact Michael Bell, Manager Community and Cultural Services on 1300 MY SDRC (1300 697 372).

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