10 September 2017

The World Health Organization estimates that over 800,000 people die by suicide each year – that’s one person every 40 seconds. In Australia more than 2500 people die each year with latest figures (2015) telling us that 3,027 Australians took their own life. Recent research tells us that hundreds of Australians are impacted by each suicide death. Research also tells us that some 65,000 people attempt suicide each year and hundreds of thousands of people think of suicide.  Take a minute to think about the pain and suffering suicide being felt by every single person impacted by suicide.

This World Suicide Prevention Day we’d like to take a minute to change lives with as many suicide prevention awareness raising events as possible being held in Australia on or around World Suicide Prevention Day. Check out the Events page to see what’s happened near you.  http://wspd.org.au/events/

‘Take a Minute, Change a Life’ is the theme of the 2017 World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September). These three words are at the heart of suicide prevention and complement the efforts of our friends on R U OK? Day (14 September) to take time to notice what’s going on with your family, friends and colleagues – and yourself. It is about taking time to have have those conversation when you notice something has changed and equipping yourself to help yourself and others.

Find out more information and how you can contribute at: http://wspd.org.au/  and https://www.suicidepreventionaust.org/