Stanthorpe OSHC here to stay

Stanthorpe OSHC here to stay


At Council’s Ordinary Meeting held on 26 May it was decided that Council would continue to operate the Stanthorpe Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) Service until 30 June 2023 and relocate to new premises.

Recent community consultation regarding the value of the service to the community showed that over 96% of respondents were in support of Council continuing to provide this service.

With no enrolment fee, a high level of service and competitive daily fees Council is hopeful that the OSHC will grow to become the preferred supplier for out of school hours care in the Granite Belt region.

An agreement in principle has already been reached with the Department of Education for the new site at 27 Marsh Street, Stanthorpe – the site of the former Stanthorpe Preschool. The new site has all the necessary infrastructure already in place, offers a bigger and safe outdoor space and is conveniently located adjacent to the Stanthorpe State School.

Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi said that a move to the new site will no doubt improve everyone’s experience.

 “OSHC is a vital community program with a bright future and I am positive that the new location will be well received by the Stanthorpe community as it will improve everyone’s experience of the service.

“Parents need to know that their children are safe and cared for whilst they are at work and I have seen first-hand the good work the OSHC team do in providing an enriching, safe space for the children in their care” Cr Vic Pennisi said.

Following the Stanthorpe YMCA’s decision in December 2017 to cease operation of the Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) Council sought and received provider approval for this service and has been successfully operating the OSHC since January 2018. Historically after school and vacation care has been a competitive market in Stanthorpe with several other operators, however following the closure earlier this year of another service provider, Council found itself as the sole-provider of this service.

With this closure an additional 16 families have now registered with the Council service taking the total families to 76 comprising 121 children – an increase of 48 children. A marketing strategy for the OSHC service is expected to further increase the intake.