Realistic and practical draft budget geared for continued growth – Comment invited
Realistic and practical draft budget geared for continued growth – Comment invited
Realistic and practical draft budget geared for continued growth – Comment invited
Southern Downs Regional Council today released the 2021/22 Draft Budget for public exhibition. The budget focuses on long-term financial sustainability to contain costs, maintain high levels of customer service and invest in a significant capital works program of $50m to address ageing infrastructure.
Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi said considered thought has gone into this budget and it is very much a ‘needs/must’ budget that takes into account all areas of Council’s obligations.
“As an organisation responsible to the community, we have spent considerable time crunching the numbers, weighing up our core business of delivering essential services and ensuring that we can meet ratepayer and community needs to the standard they expect.
“Finding the right balance between the ‘needs/musts’ and separating out our ‘wants’ has been tough and no part of the organisation has been spared a haircut.
“There is no silver bullet and a lot of work lies ahead. We need to cut the cloth to align with our core business and this is a realistic budget that addresses significant issues like the escalating cost of disposing of our waste and the continued work needed to ensure our water security. We can no longer afford to subsidise waste and water from general rates.
“Although this is a ‘no frills’ budget it is a positive move in the right direction and together with the deliverables in the draft 2021-2025 Corporate Plan is aimed sustaining growth for our region in a way that does not put unrealistic demands on future generations.” Cr Pennisi said.
Budget highlights include:
- Significant support for community grants.
- Realigning resources to provide additional staff and investment in the areas of water supply and maintenance of parks and open spaces.
- Record spending on Capital Works with a focus on replacing ageing infrastructure.
- Continued investment in flood restoration.
- Reforms to the rating system to help mitigate the impacts of the recent land valuations.
- Placing Council in a position of strength to pursue funding for the Stanthorpe Art Gallery extension and the Warwick Saleyards upgrade.
- Reforms to the pricing and operation of water and waste services to address financial shortfalls.
- Proposed savings on rates and charges paid by developers to encourage development.
Council will continue with a similar approach to prior years wherein the draft budget is available for public exhibition during May and June 2021 and will be available on Council’s website and at Council’s Administration Buildings and Libraries. The public is encouraged to provide written submissions to before 11 June 2021 or via the form under ‘Have Your Say’ on Council’s website.
- Download the 2021/22 Draft Budget Snapshot here (PDF 162KB)
- View the 2021/22 Budget here.