Our Dalveen – Have your say

Our Dalveen – Have your say

17 February 2021

Following community consultation in December 2020, Ethos Urban and Southern Downs Regional Council have developed the Draft Dalveen Urban Design Framework. 

Urban design frameworks are integral to enhancing the functionality, liveability, character and spirit of an urban area and we appreciated the community stepping forward with their thoughts and ideas on how Dalveen can shine.

Council is now seeking your feedback to help finalise the plan. 

The Dalveen UDF aims to identify design measures that will benefit the lifestyle of residents; enhance the experience of visitors; provide a basis for investing in public works and guidance for how the town should look and feel within priority areas; and set the scene for ongoing community and economic development initiatives.

Dalveen is already an amazing, quaint township and this project aims to make it even better” said Southern Downs Councillor Sheryl Windle.

It will provide the basis for funding applications, capital expenditure and collaboration between Council, community and other key stakeholders.”

  • A copy of the Draft Dalveen UDF can be viewed here or residents can contact Council on 1300 697 372 or via email at mail@sdrc.qld.gov.au to request a digital copy.
  • A hard copy of the Draft Dalveen UDF will be available for public viewing at the Warwick or Stanthorpe Customer Service Centre, or at the Dalveen Post Office.
  • Once community members have reviewed the plan Council asks for their feedback to be recorded either via the online survey, which will be open until Monday 1 March 2021 and can be accessed here or by writing directly to Council. 
