National Reconciliation Week 2020 Grants | closes 9 December 2019
Grants of up to $15,000 are available to support community events promoting reconciliation during and around National Reconciliation Week 2020.
Find more information and apply now at
Applications close 9am (AEST) Monday 9 December 2019.
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Celebrating Reconciliation Small Grants
The Celebrating Reconciliation Small Grants Program encourages all Queenslanders to participate in National Reconciliation Week and commemorate two significant milestones in our national history—the successful 1967 Referendum and the 1992 High Court Mabo decision.
National Reconciliation Week (27 May ̶ 3 June) is a national campaign that celebrates and builds on respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal peoples, Torres Strait Islander peoples and non‑Indigenous Australians.
This program provides an opportunity for all Australians to come together to learn, share and develop a deeper understanding and broader acceptance of our shared national story.
This round of grants will operate as a three tiered grant program. The three tiers consist of 30 grants at $2,500, 10 grants at $7,500 and 5 grants at $15,000.
- Tier 1 grants of up to $2,500 are aimed at small-scale local grass roots events
- Tier 2 grants of up to $7,500 target community organisations that may wish to run a community-wide event involving more preparation or coordination than a Tier 1 event and is intended to reach a wider audience
- Tier 3 grants of up to $15,000 are aimed at regional or statewide events that may span multiple locations and/or days and involve coordination with multiple organisations.
This tiered approach provides participating community organisations with the opportunity and flexibility to seek funding that is appropriate to the location and scale of their event.
Local (Queensland-based) community events will need to meet the following criteria:
- increase awareness of Reconciliation Australia’s five dimensions of reconciliation including historical acceptance, unity, equality and equity, race relations and institutional integrity
- raise community awareness of National Reconciliation Week
- offer community members opportunities to learn, share, and grow, for example, through sharing stories about past events and showcasing local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, arts and cultural activities
- promote and facilitate respect, trust and positive relationships between the wider Queensland community and Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- encourage community participation and engagement
- contribute to a statewide program of inclusive and innovative community events, initiatives and promotions
- promote social cohesion through building better relationships between Aboriginal peoples, Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Queenslanders, and
- encourage local community organisations to have and show respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders.
Are you eligible to apply?
An applicant wishing to apply for a Celebrating Reconciliation Small Grant must be either:
- an incorporated body operating in Queensland on a not-for-profit basis, such as an incorporated association
- a company limited by guarantee
- a local government body,
- an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust, or
- a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation.
Who is not eligible to apply?
The following individuals and entities are ineligible to apply for a Celebrating Reconciliation Small Grant:
- Individuals, commercial or management entities
- Public or private schools, kindergartens and pre-schools
- Queensland Government departments, agencies and statutory authorities
- Federal government departments and agencies, and
- Members of Parliament.
Grants will not be offered to applicants for the purpose of providing grants to third parties.
It is important organisations thoroughly read and understand the full Guidelines and Terms and Conditions before submitting an application. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Applications close on Monday 9 December 2019.
Successful applicants will be announced in the week commencing Monday 24 February 2020, shortly after the Anniversary of the National Apology by former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (13 February).