Draft pest plan now open for feedback

Draft pest plan now open for feedback

24 May 2021                                                                          

Controlling the invasive pest problem across the region requires appropriate management measures and Southern Downs Regional Council is inviting community feedback on a new strategic plan to tackle the issue on the Southern Downs. 

The draft Invasive Pests Strategic Plan 2020-2024 documents how Council will address pest weeds and feral animals to minimise their impacts to farmers, producers and the natural environment following the removal of the Invasive Pests Control Scheme (IPCS) earlier this year. 

The proposed Invasive Pests Strategic Plan 2016-2020 was scheduled for review at the end of the 2019/20 financial year, however this coincided with Council’s 15 May 2020 COVID-19 economic relief resolution to place a moratorium on the application of the IPCS levy and the subsequent review of the policy. 

The new draft strategic plan reflects the removal of the previous IPCS policy and proposes a renewed compliance process to meet the provisions and requirements of the Biosecurity Act 2014

Southern Downs Councillor and local primary producer Cameron Gow appreciates how invasive pests can negatively impact primary production and understands the need for continued and collaborative efforts to mitigate the potentially devastating effects of pest weeds and feral animals on agricultural income.

“Under the new strategic plan, Council local laws officers will seek to work with land managers on the need to fulfil their general biosecurity obligation under the State Government Biosecurity Act first and foremost, with enforcement only ever used as a last resort,” Councillor Gow said. 

“Officers will continue to take a common sense and practical approach to working with land managers and will introduce a risk-based model, founded on the likelihood and level of impacts particular pest species pose in different parts of the region.

”Every one of us has a role to play in managing invasive pests – no matter how big or small our patch – and I encourage all land managers and other interested parties to read the draft strategic plan and provide constructive feedback.” 

All councils in Queensland must have a plan in place that documents how invasive pests are managed in their local government area under the Biosecurity Act 2014

Council’s approach is informed by the Pest Management Advisory Committee; a multi stakeholder group charged with providing recommendations to Council on invasive pest management. 

The draft Invasive Pests Strategic Plan 2020-2024 was considered by the Pest Management Advisory Committee at its 4 March 2021 meeting and endorsed for release for public consultation by Council at its 12 May 2021 Ordinary Meeting. 

The draft Invasive Pests Strategic Plan 2020-2024 can be viewed on Council’s web site and hard copies are also available at the Warwick and Stanthorpe administration centres.  Feedback must be submitted via the web site at https://www.sdrc.qld.gov.au/living-here/have-your-say/draft-invasive-pests-strategic-plan-2020-2024 or emailed to sustainability@sdrc.qld.gov.au by 18 June 2021.
