CREW4YOUTH Offers care coordination for children and young people up to age 25 with or at risk of developing severe mental health conditions.
We offer the following services:
• Suicidal ideation or intent
• Eating disorders
• Self-harm
• Trauma
• Diagnosed and undiagnosed
mental illness
• Anxiety and depression
• Alcohol and other drug use
• Violence in their lives.
What we do:
Deliver recovery-focussed, individualised, care coordination providing comprehensive assessment, care planning, and linking with multiple and relevant services.
We link in with:
• Families & carers
• Education & employment services
• Mental health services
• Other medical & health professionals
• Family support services
• Alcohol & drug support
• Housing services.
Where CREW4YOUTH is offered:
Across the following Local Government Areas:
– Somerset (Including Esk in the West Moreton Health Boundary)
– Southern Downs
– Ipswich
– Goondiwindi
– Lockyer Valley
– Western Downs (Including Taroom in the Darling Downs Health boundary)
– Scenic Rim (Including Boonah in the West Moreton Health Boundary)
– South Burnett
– Cherbourg
– Toowoomba
How we deliver:
• Face-to-face
• Inreach/outreach support
• Skype, online or phone support
• Training to families.
How to access the CREW4YOUTH:
1. Individuals, families or other organisations can refer by phone or pathway referral.
2. EACH can assist the young person to gain a GP referral (Mental Health Care Plan) if necessary.
3. GPs to refer through the refeRHEALTH platform:
Check out the inserted documents below for more information;
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