The Stanthorpe Writers Group has partnered with Queensland Writers Centre to deliver the Amplified Author Writing Workshop at the Queensland College of Wine Tourism on the 9th April. The world of ebook and self-publishing can be overwhelming. This full-day seminar covers broad industry trends from traditional publishing models to contemporary publishing with innovative author-reader interactions. This course is all you need to navigate the digital landscape by providing you with information about ebooks and the publishing industry and teaching you the practical skills to produce your own ebooks.
The workshop will be delivered by Simon Groth, Manager of if:Book Australia. This course is a must for inspiring creative writers who want to learn how to connect with their audience in the digital world.
The day will begin at 10.30am and finish at 4.30pm. If participants are able to bring their own laptops they will find this of benefit, but it is not essential.This is fantastic value and an opportunity not to be missed on our doorstep.
Tickets can be purchased via the Queensland Writers Center…/busine…/stanthorpe-amplified-author/
or by calling 07 3842 9922.
This workshop was enabled by a Community Grants Fund from Southern Downs Regional Council.
For more information contact Margot Tesch at or call 4685 7157.