UPDATE Pratten to be affected by major flooding

UPDATE Pratten to be affected by major flooding

24 March 2021

It is expected that the Pratten community will be affected by major flooding in the coming hours.


Council is currently in the process of warning the community of the emerging situation.


Council has been advised by the Bureau of Meteorology that based on current modelling indicators, the Condamine River at Pratten is forecast to reach levels of 7.8m this afternoon. However, this may be revised as more information becomes available.


Rural Fire Services have commenced door knocking at properties likely to be affected.


The Bureau will continue to provide further information while the wet weather event continues.


The Southern Downs Local Disaster Management Group has moved to STAND UP level and Council will keep the community updated on any developments via the Disaster Dashboard on Council’s website.

UPDATED Flood Map Pratten 24 March 2021_12pm_8m

Current Road Closures

A number of roads across the region are currently impacted by the rain and an updated road closure information can be found on Council’s website at: http://disasterdashboard.sdrc.qld.gov.au/.

Council has crews out installing signage, however the community should not enter flood waters even if signs are not yet installed.


Dam Levels Update

Water is currently flowing into all three dams. Council’s website has been updated this morning at: https://www.sdrc.qld.gov.au/living-here/water-wastewater/dam-levels.


Please ensure that you don’t drive through flood waters. 

You can stay up-to-date by checking in with:

If you need emergency assistance:

  • Life-threatening emergency – 000
  • SES – 132 500


  • UPDATED | Predicted Flood Inundation for Pratten – 24 March 2021
