28 October 2016

Blood Service donor records in data spill: Alert Priority Moderate

The Red Cross Blood Service (the Service) has advised that the registration information of 550,000 donors was placed in an insecure environment and copied by a third party.  The file is said to have contained information related to the period of 2010 to 2016 and included details such as names, addresses and dates of birth.

The Blood Service has advised that all known copies of the data have been deleted. However, investigations are continuing.  It notes the spill is not connected with its secure databases which contain more sensitive medical information.  Also, IDCARE, a national identity and cyber support service, has assessed the information accessed as of low risk of future direct misuse.

The Blood Service has set up a dedicated page on its website to provide information and media is reporting the organisation is contacting affected people.

There is an email address for people to contact for further information or to ask questions. A dedicated hotline has also been established if you want to speak with one of its staff.

Hotline: 13 95 96
Email: data@redcrossblood.org.au

If you are impacted by the data spill, you can also contact IDCARE on 1300 432 273 for counselling support from specialist counsellors and information on additional responses that may be unique to their own situation.

More informationAlthough the information has been assessed by IDCARE as at low risk of future misuse, there is always a risk that individuals could be contacted by cyber criminals and scammers via email and telephone (including SMS).

Stay Smart Online has information on recognising scam emails, as well as a guide for individuals to help you implement basic online security habits to avoid falling victim to scammers.

The information provided here is of a general nature. Everyone’s circumstances are different. If you require specific advice you should contact your local technical support provider.

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This information has been prepared by Enex TestLab for the Attorney General’s Department (‘the Department’). It was accurate and up to date at the time of publishing.
This information is general information only and is intended for use by private individuals and small to medium sized businesses. If you are concerned about a specific cyber security issue you should seek professional advice.
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