Public arts scene to further flourish with adopted ‘blueprint’

Public arts scene to further flourish with adopted ‘blueprint’

12 August 2021

The region’s vibrant arts scene now has a strategic blueprint to guide and direct public art installations following the adoption of the 2021 Public Art Policy and Procedure at the Southern Downs Regional Council’s Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday 11 August 2021.

The 2021 Public Art Policy provides clarity and structure for Council’s role in arts and cultural development and offers a vision and framework to identify key opportunities and strategies to drive public art installation across the region.

Southern Downs Councillor Marco Gliori said it would be exciting to see the region’s arts scene further thrive under the policy’s governance.

“Public art matters. It contributes to a community’s identity, growth, wellbeing and cohesion and fosters community pride,” Councillor Gliori said.

“Art is not only found in our exceptional galleries but it should flow vibrantly into our streets and onto our buildings.

“The adoption of the Public Art Policy signals a new way forward for public art in Southern Downs and will set the standard for how the region can capitalise on the exciting arts scene and gather stakeholders around a central vision in order to evolve cohesively to the next level.” 

Prior to adoption, the draft policy was released for public consultation in July 2021, during which Council received eight submissions. 

Feedback requested that the community have greater input into the selection of the Public Art Reference Group and for this reference group to be an approval group. In due course, the reference group will be formed via an Expressions of Interest process.