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  1. Amnesty Stanthorpe Action Group

    Amnesty Stanthorpe is an official action group of,
    Amnesty International Australia
    which campaigns locally to protect human rights.

  2. Ananda Marga

    Ananda Marga holds the annual Ananda Mela festival at its Ananda Palli property in Severnlea. The festival promotes health and wellbeing by celebrating cultural diversity and providing space for local health practitioners, artists and activists to present their work.
    Ananda Marga promotes better psychic and physical health by teaching meditation and yoga free of charge. We also organise a diverse range of programmes in coordination with other groups. Examples include Permaculture and organic gardening workshops, writers workshops, promotion of co-operative and social enterprise, de-tox retreats...

  3. Stanthorpe Permaculture Group

    Started in early 2014, we welcome anyone interested in Permaculture and its 3 core ethics - Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share - along with the 12 Design Principles about how to do this.

  4. Stanthorpe Writers Group

    Stanthorpe Writers Group (SWG) meets on the first Wednesday of the month from February to November.
    We support the development of writers from beginners to experienced in an encouraging environment.
    All ages and backgrounds welcome.

  5. U3A Granite Belt Inc

    U3A Granite Belt is a community organisation which promotes healthy ageing by sharing educational, creative, leisure activities provided by their own members. We ask for no qualification for membership and we award no degrees or diplomas. There is no great divide between learners and presenters. A student in one class may become a tutor in the next. No academic qualifications are needed to join or to lead